More Investors are Transferring Funds into Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin’s role in global markets has become clear amidst rising tension between the US and North Korea. Investors have started to include Bitcoin in their portfolios as a safe haven asset, due to its immutability to economic uncertainty and the instability of global markets.

Analysts including InvestFeed CEO Ron Chernesky and Jeff Rosenberg, fixed income strategist at Blackrock, a US-based investment management company with over $5.7 tln in assets under management, noted that the intensified conflict between the US and North Korea has led to equity markets sell-off and ultimately to mid-term economic uncertainty.

As a result, more investors are transferring funds into cryptocurrencies. Chernesky explained that a rapidly rising number of investors and traders have begun to shift their focus towards Bitcoin as a safe haven asset and long-term investment.

Chernesky said:

“We’re seeing investors transferring their funds into cryptocurrencies as they try to diversify their risk in case of a severe downturn in the market. The space has gone from niche to more widely adopted with one of the main draws being that cryptocurrencies are seen as less correlated with other assets.”

Niche markets

Today, it is difficult to argue that the Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies industries are niche markets, mostly because of the cryptocurrency market’s staggering $139 bln market cap and a daily trading volume of $5.6 bln. Through strictly regulated Bitcoin exchanges and trading platforms, verified investors and traders can obtain high liquidity.

Already, investment banks including Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan along with multi-billion dollar investment firms such as Fidelity have started to encourage their clients, investors and portfolio managers to consider investing in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, considering the market’s growthand exponential increase in global adoption.

Many analysts and financial data companies such as Bloomberg have

attributed the success of Bitcoin’s recent rally to its growing adoption as digital gold or safe haven asset.


Seeking shelter in Bitcoin

Earlier this month, almost immediately after US President Donald Trump made his aggressive “fire and fury” comments while addressing the North Korean issue, trading volume of Ethereum increased by $2.6 bln. In South Korea, Ethereum has become more popular amongst traders, mostly because of their beliefs that they had missed Bitcoin’s previous rallies.

Across Asia, demand towards Bitcoin surged along with Ethereum, as Bitcoin price went on to set new all-time highs and enter the $4,200 region for the first time in history.

Investors and traders are seeking shelter in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, with Bitcoin being embraced as a safe haven asset and digital gold. As more institutional investors and large-scale traders continue to seek Bitcoin in periods of financial instability and global economic uncertainty, the value of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market will consistently rise.

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You could become very wealthy in 2019… we will show you how, but you have to make a decision.

On January 21, 2017 1BTC was $917USD and today, January 21, 2019 1BTC is $3,524USD!

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*All Members start at 0.048 BTC (Level 1)

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Crypto Tax Tips To Start 2018 Right

Even though cryptocurrencies are getting more and more exposure, their legislation seems to be a grey area for most governments, especially when it comes to declaring your income in digital currencies. The Internal Revenue Service, the US tax collection agency, has issued Notice 2014-21 stating that Bitcoin and altcoins are subjects to federal income and payroll taxes. So what to do with your crypto money and how to declare your taxes right?


Let’s start with the dreary subject of records. Yes, that applies to crypto investors too. You’d better have some if you are thinking about taxes. If you’ve ever tried to tell the IRS “I lost my receipt,” you don’t want to do it a second time.

The IRS has heard every excuse in the book. While it is not without sympathy, you’ll find it far easier not having to go to the additional effort of proving something by another means. Periodically, the IRS issues reminders to taxpayers regarding the importance of safeguarding your tax records.

That’s especially true in cases of natural disasters that make traditional record-keeping go haywire. But think of it year-round wherever you are. The IRS suggests creating a backup set of records stored away from the originals. It is good advice for crypto investors.

Selling some assets?

If you are sitting on some big gains, you might consider how your tax picture will look for the entire year. It isn’t too soon to start thinking this way. In fact, try to do it long before year-end so you can make adjustments. You might want to sell or hedge some, even if you think the market is still headed up.

There is a lot more than taxes involved in such decisions. But it can be wise to at least think about it. For example, what if your tax year already has a big capital loss in it, or you have a big carryover loss from prior years? In general, unused capital losses can be used to absorb up to $3,000 per year in ordinary income.

But unless you have capital gains to offset your capital losses that $3,000 would be the extent of your tax benefit. Some people sit for years and years with unused capital losses that carryover each year. So, if you also have unrealized capital gains, you might consider selling some gain assets, to be able to absorb your losses. Run some numbers and see how it looks.

And what exactly are you selling?

Another topic as tax time nears is to ask whether you really know what you are selling. That is, if you have 100 Bitcoins and you sell 10, which 10 did you sell? There is no perfect answer to this question. Most of the tax law considers shares of stock, not cryptocurrency.

However, many advisers think that the same kinds of rules should be applied in the case of multiple crypto assets that you hold. If so, specific identification of what you are selling, when you bought it, and for what purchase price, is likely to be the cleanest. But that may not be possible.

Some people use an averaging convention, where you essentially average your cost across a number of purchases. Consistency and record-keeping are important. You don’t want the IRS to claim that you denied the government its fair share of each sale. And remember, if you are claiming long-term capital gain treatment, being able to prove that you held the cryptocurrency for more than a year before selling is key.

Loans with interest and hedges

Loaning money shouldn’t be a taxable event to either the borrower or the lender, except for interest payments. So, can you loan out your cryptocurrency to people? You can, but the question is whether that loan will be treated the same as a loan of money by the IRS.

The jury is still out on that question. The IRS says cryptocurrency is property for tax purposes. You don’t want the loan and the repayment (of different cryptocurrency?) to be treated as taxable dispositions. Some of it may depend on your documents, and how much you make it look and feel like a real loan.

Hedges of cryptocurrency are another hot topic to consider. Hedges can help to avoid some of the volatility that has characterized the various crypto markets. But be careful that you are doing your best to avoid a disposition, meaning a sale for tax purposes, that you don’t want.


The holidays may be over, but probably everyone in your family would still like some Bitcoin or other crypto issues. The prices have been so ever-present in the news, that gifts and donations are still very much in the news. But is it smart tax-wise?

A charitable contribution would be the best type of transfer. If you give to a qualified charity, you should get an income tax deduction for the full fair market value of the crypto. If you bought for $500, and donate to a 501(c)(3) charity when it is worth $15,000, you should get a $15,000 charitable contribution deduction. What’s more, you won’t have to pay the capital gain tax on the $14,500 spread.

Giving to private parties is not as impressive. The same gift to your niece gets you no tax deduction. And it requires you to file a gift tax return since the gift is worth more than $15,000. For 2018, $15,000 is the amount of so-called “annual exclusion” gifts you can give to any number of people each year with no reporting required.

Any gifts over that $15,000 amount require a gift tax return, even though you probably won’t pay any gift tax. You normally would use up a small portion of your lifetime exclusion from gift and estate tax. For 2018, that number just went up dramatically. The amount you can transfer tax-free during your life or on death just went up to $11.2 mln per person. That is $22.4 mln per married couple.

Forms 1099

Finally, don’t forget about the coming onslaught of IRS Forms 1099. Normally, these not-so-fun little tax forms arrive around the end of January, reporting income paid to you in the previous calendar tax year. The IRS says that wages paid to employees using virtual currency are taxable, must be reported on a Form W-2, and are subject to federal income tax withholding and payroll taxes.

Similarly, payments using virtual currency made to independent contractors are taxable to them, and payers who are engaged in business must issue Form 1099. A payment made using virtual currency is subject to Form 1099 reporting just like any other payment made in property. That means if a person in business pays virtual currency worth $600 or more to an independent contractor for services, Form 1099 is required.

If you are a recipient of Form 1099, as most everyone is, keep track of them. Each one gets reported to the IRS and applicable state tax authorities. If you don’t report or otherwise address the reported income on your tax return, you can expect that the IRS will follow up.

This may seem confusing, but you shouldn’t worry. The IRS is usually much more lenient to those who fill in taxes, even with mistakes, rather than to those who avoid doing it at all.

Six Figures in Taxes is Nothing… When  Earning a Seven Figure Income.

You could become very wealthy in 2018… we will show you how, but you have to make a decision.

Those of you who joined the club 3 months ago for just over $100 lifetime membership fee when 1BTC was $2,300USD are much wealthier now! Today 1BTC is $16,200USD… that’s more than 7x in just over 120 days!

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It’s less than $245 for a lifetime membership…

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Bitcoin Is ‘A Millennial Story’

Tom Lee, the co-founder and strategist of the Fundstrat market research company, claimed that the value of the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin will continue to rise. The cryptocurrency will achieve substantial gains because the millennial generation is interested in it, according to Lee.

He added that the way millennials will power Bitcoin today is similar to how the baby boomers bolstered the stock market in the 1980s.

In an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Dec. 12, 2017, Lee claimed that the millennials are very interested in digital businesses, social media and Bitcoin. He further stated that the population group still has over 20 years to go before its numbers peak.

“I think what viewers have to appreciate is, this is a millennial story. The average millennial is 25 today. The boomers were 25 in 1982, so what did the boomers drive from 1982 to the peak population of the boomers, which was ’99? The S&P 500…Millennials have great interest in digital businesses, social media and Bitcoin and the millennial population is not going to peak until 2040.”

Previous predictions from Lee

During an interview in October 2017, Lee has predicted that Bitcoin price will continue to rise to reach $25,000 by 2022.

During 2017, Bitcoin has posted eye-popping 1,700 percent of growth to hit more than $17,000 per token in December, and if this dynamic continues into 2018, Lee’s prediction might end up not too far off.

The launch of Bitcoin futures by the CME Group and the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) is expected to drive Bitcoin price further and pave the way for the introduction of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), which might further impact the price.

An Amazing Opportunity! That’s Growing at Light Speed!

You could become very wealthy in 2018… we will show you how, but you have to make a decision.

Those of you who joined the club 3 months ago for just over $100 lifetime membership fee when 1BTC was $2,300USD are much wealthier now! Today 1BTC is $17,396USD… that’s more than 7x in just over 90 days!

For those of you still procrastinating, what the heck are you waiting for?

It’s less than $265 for a lifetime membership…

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In less than 30 days we made more than 10x more bitcoin than we paid to join the club!

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*All Members start at 0.015 BTC (Level 1)

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Investors Dumping Gold For Bitcoin?

Investors are dumping gold in favor of Bitcoin, according to analysts in a recent interview on CNBC. One of them, Phillip Streible of RJO Futures stated boldly that “Bitcoin has stolen a large market share of gold.”

To explain how they are tracking this shift, Larry McDonald of The Bear Traps Report, stated that generally when bond rates go down, gold goes up. However, in recent weeks, the yields on bonds have decreased, and gold has simultaneously dropped by two percent – an event that is

quite rare.

Analysts think the change is the result of increasing investments in Bitcoin, among other cryptocurrencies. According to McDonald:

“Over the last two years, every time rates have come down, and this week rates have moved lower, you had gold go up. Almost every time, there has been an 82 percent correlation between gold and bonds. This week, for the first time, that correlation broke down, and I do think it has something to do with Bitcoin.”

While the price of gold has been traditionally stable, the recent declines show the investment pool has begun moving into cryptocurrencies. In fact, according to McDonald, the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies as a fraction of liquid tradeable gold is already up two or three percent from last year, stating “cryptocurrencies are definitely eating into the gold play.”

Bitcoin… 13X More Valuable Than Gold!

You could become very wealthy in 2018 and we will show you how, but you have to make a decision.

Those of you who joined the club 3 months ago for just over $100 lifetime membership fee when 1BTC was $2,300USD are much wealthier now! Today 1BTC is $17,076USD… that’s more than 7x in just over 90 days!

For those of you still procrastinating, what the heck are you waiting for? It’s less than $255 for a lifetime membership…

…We will show you how to make over $2,000 with no additional money out of pocket in 48 hours! Take Action Now!

Take a look for yourself! We will show you haw to become your own bank!

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After your 7 day free trial, you can decide to become a lifetime club member for only .015 BTC (never have to pay another dollar from your pocket again).

In less than 30 days we made more than 10x more bitcoin than we paid to join the club!

This is your chance to get onboard with an elite group of bitcoin millionaires. <Join Now>

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*All Members start at 0.015 BTC (Level 1)

You’ll want to purchase 0.016 BTC

You can participate on multiple levels once your are activated.

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Elite Investment Bank Goldman Sachs to Clear Bitcoin Futures for Clients

According to Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs will be clearing Bitcoin futures contracts for at least some clients when futures markets go live on December 10 (CBOE) and December 18 (CME). This is major news, since the soon-to-be-released futures markets are of little use without banks and brokerage firms actually using the platforms to trade.

Goldman joins brokerage firms TD Ameritrade and Ally Invest in offering clients access to the new Bitcoin futures products. Even serial-naysayer JP Morgan Chase is considering offering Bitcoin futures to clients.

Bloomberg cited an unnamed source “with knowledge of the firm’s plans,” saying that Goldman Sachs will be offering client trades on a case-by-case basis. Tiffany Galvin, spokeswoman for Goldman, wrote:

“Given that this is a new product, as expected we are evaluating the specifications and risk attributes for the bitcoin futures contracts as part of our standard due diligence process.”

Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein is reportedly cautious, but open to the idea of Bitcoin, unlike many of his banking counterparts such as Jamie Dimon. Blankfein has written:

“I read a lot of history, and I know that once upon a time, a coin was worth $5 if it had $5 worth of gold in it. Now we have paper that is just backed by fiat…Maybe in the new world, something gets backed by consensus.”

Extremely important

Goldman Sachs is considered one of the most elite investment banks in the world, attracting the best finance experts and the wealthiest clients. The firm is also known for its “revolving door” – wherein Goldman executives move back and forth from the bank to government service and back again. In fact, the process is so entrenched that the bank is sometimes referred to as “Government Sachs.”

Goldman executives-turned-government-employees include Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Deputy Treasury Secretary James Donovan. President George W. Bush appointed former Goldman CEO Hank Paulson as his Treasury Secretary. The revolving door of Goldman appointees in government gives bankers from the firm a great deal of influence in the development of policy and regulations.

Learn How to Become Your Own Bank 

You could become very wealthy in 2018 and we will show you how, but you have to make a decision.

Those of you who joined the club 3 months ago for just over $100 lifetime membership fee when 1BTC was $2,300USD are much wealthier now! Today 1BTC is $16,981USD… that’s more than 7x in just over 90 days!

For those of you still procrastinating, what the heck are you waiting for? It’s less than $255 for a lifetime membership…

…We will show you how to make over $2,000 with no additional money out of pocket in 48 hours!    Take Action Now!

Take a look for yourself! We will show you haw to become your own bank!

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After your 7 day free trial, you can decide to become a lifetime club member for only .015 BTC (never have to pay another dollar from your pocket again).

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*All Members start at 0.015 BTC (Level 1)

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Bitcoin is Today’s Silver, Says Renowned Trader

There have been more than a few comparisons between Bitcoin and gold, along with many lines of thought, but regarding the current rush, renowned trader Mark Fisher sees this like the silver run of 40 years ago.

Silver spiked in demand through the 70s and 80s as it became an asset that the regular man on the street could be involved in. There was no Wall Street elitism and its price was reasonable, it was an exciting time for common investors.

This is what Fisher sees at the moment with Bitcoin. The red tape and the egalitarianism of high-level investing is absent, and it is spurring a new wave of adoption with individuals.

Moved dramatically

“The reason people are so attracted to Bitcoin is because people want something that’s actually moved dramatically, that there’s no Wall Street to it,” said Fisher. “The thing that every cab driver is talking about all day long.”

“Bitcoin was what silver was back in the late ’70s and ’80s — for sure,” Fisher added. “No rhyme or reason.”

Indeed, Bitcoin has made its mark for individuals as it flies in the face of the institutionalized money and investing systems. Its decentralized network is what attracts many, and its functionality away from red tape and arbitrary rules are what keep people in.

With silver, it was a similar situation as those investors in the 70s and 80s were finding an opportunity to invest in something that was far more in their hands than an asset like gold, at the time.

The run is only beginning

Through the waves of adoption, it has ebbed and flowed between individuals, and the ‘Wall Street’ types. The most recent run towards $10,000 and above was attributed to market growth and mass adoption, especially in Asia.

However, the next level of this adoption metric will be when expected Wall Street whales enter the water through the power of soon-to-be-released futures.

Fisher predicts the launch initially is “going to be the Wild West.”

“It’s going to be great volatility,” he said. “And for someone like me, who cares what it is, as long as it moves, right?”

More Valuable than Gold and Silver…

Bitcoin is the gold rush of our lifetime!  Potentially the largest transfer of wealth in history!!!!

In the last 90 days gold and silver prices have declined while bitcoin has risen dramatically.

Those of you who joined the club 3 months ago for just over $100 lifetime membership fee when 1BTC was $2,300USD are much wealthier now! Today 1BTC is $13,910USD… that’s more than 6x in just over 90 days!

For those of you still procrastinating, what the heck are you waiting for? It’s less than $210 for a lifetime membership… Take Action Now!

Take a look for yourself! We will show you haw to become your own bank!

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Join Now! It’s the easiest way to get involved in the fastest growing financial opportunity of your lifetime!

After your 7 day free trial, you can decide to become a lifetime club member for only .015 BTC (never have to pay another dollar from your pocket again).

In less than 30 days we made more than 10x more bitcoin than we paid to join the club!

This is your chance to get onboard with an elite group of bitcoin millionaires. <Join Now>

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*All Members start at 0.015 BTC (Level 1)

You’ll want to purchase 0.016 BTC

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Tesla S Owner Uses Their Car to Mine Bitcoin

Just when Bitcoin miners thought mining on the phone and hydro mining were revolutionary, an owner of a Tesla S electric car model is using the free power from the supercharger of his vehicle to mine the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin. To do this, the owner installed a Bitcoin mining computer in the trunk of the car. The mining rig is then charged by the car’s supercharger while it mines Bitcoin.

This is an interesting way to mine cryptocurrencies, but it could be very lucrative for the owner as his operating cost while mining the digital currencies is virtually zero. His only major investment is the cost of the mining rig itself, as well as the associated equipment and accessories.

Some issues on the innovative Bitcoin mining strategy

The exploration of innovative and creative methods of mining Bitcoin and other virtual currencies is always a very interesting endeavor because of the continuous increase in the price of the digital currencies, particularly Bitcoin.

The use of the superchargers of electric vehicles like the Tesla model could be a good idea, but some issues may arise. Among these concerns is the possibility that the mining rig could produce lots of heat that could damage the car’s internal parts over time. The car’s battery pack could also be easily damaged when used continuously for Bitcoin mining.

Despite its great potential and possibly good profits, Tesla or other electric car owners should decide carefully if they want to use this approach to mine cryptocurrencies due to its potential adverse effects on the performance of their cars.

Those who want to mine digital currencies may also want to explore other approaches in mining like the use of renewable energies like solar panels.

However, because they are still in the early phase of developments, these new technologies require a hefty upfront investment. Miners should be prepared to spend a large amount of money if they decide to mine Bitcoin using these methods.

Supercharge Your Wealth… 

This may be the biggest opportunity of your lifetime?

Those of you who joined the club 3 months ago for just over $100 lifetime membership fee when 1BTC was $2,300USD are much wealthier now! Today 1BTC is $11,634USD… that’s more than 4x in just over 90 days!

For those of you still procrastinating, what the heck are you waiting for? It’s less than $175 for a lifetime membership… Take Action Now!

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After your 7 day free trial, you can decide to become a lifetime club member for only .015 BTC (never have to pay another dollar from your pocket again).

In less than 30 days we made more than 10x more bitcoin than we paid to join the club!

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*All Members start at 0.015 BTC (Level 1)

You’ll want to purchase 0.016 BTC

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Bitcoin Is 6th Largest Currency In The World By Circulation

Bitcoin is now the sixth most circulated currency in the world, behind five super powers, and outranking the Pound, the Ruble, and the Won, according to the Bank for International Settlements. The figure is based on a value of Bitcoin at $10,765 each, meaning that the total value of all Bitcoins in circulation is $180 bln.

While the number is substantial, should Bitcoin rise to $15,000, it will overtake the next highest circulating currency, the Rupee. The other four currencies outranking Bitcoin are the Yen, Yuan, Euro, and Dollar, all of which have dramatically greater levels of currency in circulation (the Dollar, for example, stands at $1.4 tln).

Not to be outdone

Other cryptocurrencies are also following suit, with Ethereum ranked at #17, and Bitcoin Cash at #20. Ripple falls just outside the top 20. However, both BCH and XRP are still above both the Krona and Rand for total circulation.

These numbers are, of course, somewhat skewed, because the value of notes in circulation is not reflective of the total value of a currency. Nevertheless, the numbers reveal the substantial power of Bitcoin in terms of currency interactions.

Learn How to Become Your Own Bank!

This may be the biggest opportunity of your lifetime?

Those of you who joined the club 3 months ago for just over $100 lifetime membership fee when 1BTC was $2,300USD are much wealthier now! Today 1BTC is $11,574USD… that’s more than 4x in just over 90 days!

For those of you still procrastinating, what the heck are you waiting for? It’s less than $175 for a lifetime membership… Take Action Now!

Take a look for yourself! We will show you haw to become your own bank!

7 Day Trial… No credit card required…

Join Now! It’s the easiest way to get involved in the fastest growing financial opportunity of your lifetime!

After your 7 day free trial, you can decide to become a lifetime club member for only .015 BTC (never have to pay another dollar from your pocket again).

In less than 30 days we made more than 10x more bitcoin than we paid to join the club!

This is your chance to get onboard with an elite group of bitcoin millionaires. <Join Now>

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*All Members start at 0.015 BTC (Level 1)

You’ll want to purchase 0.016 BTC

You can participate on multiple levels once your are activated.

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JP Morgan Strategist Says Regulated Futures Markets Give Bitcoin Legitimacy

Given the strong views of JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon on Bitcoin, it is ironic that a global markets strategist at JP Morgan has come out with a note saying that regulated futures could give legitimacy to Bitcoin

Seal of approval

The decision of US regulators to allow Bitcoin futures to trade on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has pushed Bitcoin into mainstream finance. CME obtained the regulators’ go-ahead after self certification, having assured the US CFTC that the products will follow existing law. The move could allow financial institutions with restrictive mandates to take Bitcoin exposure.

Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, a global markets strategist at JP Morgan, also feels that the move could give legitimacy to Bitcoin. In a note to investors, he said:

The prospective launch of Bitcoin futures contracts by established exchanges in particular has the potential to add legitimacy and thus increase the appeal of the cryptocurrency market to both retail and institutional investors

Analyst’s views conflict with CEO

CEO Jamie Dimon has strong views about Bitcoin: he believes the currency is a fraud and has even threatened to fire anybody who is “stupid enough” to buy it. He has ranted that governments will shut Bitcoin down and that the currency is in a bubble which will wreck investors.

Dimon is not alone in his views – other industry titans like Warren Buffett have said that Bitcoin is best avoided. However, that hasn’t stopped the currency’s price from climbing to new levels.

Panigirtzoglou seems to have taken a view diametrically opposite to that of his boss, calling Bitcoin a new asset class:

The value of this new asset class is a function of the breadth of its acceptance as a store of wealth and as a means of payment and simply judging by other stores of wealth such as gold, cryptocurrencies have the potential to grow further from here.

JP Morgan – BAU in spite of Jamie’s Views

In spite of Jamie Dimon’s views against Bitcoin, JP Morgan seems to be making the most of the opportunity presented by the currency’s rise. The bank recently invited Bart Stephens, a tech venture capitalist, to give a talk on Bitcoin at JP Morgan San Francisco. Stephens presented to fund managers and clients, even as Dimon slammed Bitcoin.

The comments made by Jamie Dimon against Bitcoin resulted in a dip in its price, which coincided with JP Morgan buying units of a Bitcoin tracker fund. This has resulted in a market manipulation case against Jamie Dimon in a Swedish court. After CME announced the launch of Bitcoin futures, JP Morgan surprised observers by announcing that it may add Bitcoin futures to its own list of offerings. When opportunities for money making exist, there are no untouchables for the big banks.

Will you get left behind?

This may be the biggest opportunity of your lifetime?

Those of you who joined the club 3 months ago for just over $100 lifetime membership fee when 1BTC was $2,300USD are much wealthier now! Today 1BTC is $10,967USD… that’s more than 4x in just over 90 days!

For those of you still procrastinating, what the heck are you waiting for? It’s less than $165 for a lifetime membership… Take Action Now!

Take a look for yourself! We will show you haw to become your own bank!

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After your 7 day free trial, you can decide to become a lifetime club member for only .015 BTC (never have to pay another dollar from your pocket again).

In less than 30 days we made more than 10x more bitcoin than we paid to join the club!

This is your chance to get onboard with an elite group of bitcoin millionaires. <Join Now>

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*All Members start at 0.015 BTC (Level 1)

You’ll want to purchase 0.016 BTC

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“Big Four” Accountancy Firm PwC Now Accepts Bitcoin Payments

The Hong Kong office of auditing and accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has started accepting Bitcoin as payment for its professional services. The company noted that the first Bitcoin payments it accepted was from local companies involved in digital currencies and Blockchain technology.

According to PwC Asia-Pacific chairperson Raymund Chao, their decision to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment reflects their move to embrace new technologies. Chao also notes:

“It is also an indication that Bitcoin and other established cryptocurrencies have now developed into more broadly accepted forms of settlement.”

Bitcoin’s phenomenal performance

The decision by PwC to accept Bitcoin as a method of payment came at a time when the leading cryptocurrency is registering an unprecedented rise in the financial markets. The most popular virtual currency has breached the $11,000 price for the first time in its short history. This phenomenal performance has resulted in the emergence of questions on whether Bitcoin is a true store of value and means of exchange that can be utilized in transactions or just a day trader’s plaything.

PwC’s previous works on cryptocurrencies

PwC has often been an early adopter of new technologies. The company has been involved with digital currencies and Blockchain technology since 2014. Among its activities include the issuance of statements supporting the role of Bitcoin in advancing innovations in various industries, as well as conducting its own research on the virtual currencies.

One of the research initiatives launched by the company is a project to study the possible application of Blockchain in the wholesale insurance industry. The project was advanced in collaboration with the Z/Yen thinktank’s Long Finance initiative. PwC has also established its own consultancy services to offer advice to clients about the new technologies.

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